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Troubleshooting Remote Desktop

Error Codes

When remote desktop connection fails, an error code will be displayed on the screen. This error code helps in identifying the cause of the failure. You can try following the steps given below to resolve the issue. If you still can't figure out the root cause, please contact our support team and share the error code with us.

Error Code 3

Idle Timeout - Remote desktop connection was disconnected due to inactivity.

Your remote desktop connection was inactive for a period of time. Such connections are automatically disconnected by the operating system to save energy and reduce the load on the server. You should be able to reconnect by pressing the retry button.

Error Code 4

Logon Timeout - Remote desktop failed to allocate a logon session within the specified time.

The remote desktop server was unable to allocate a logon session within the specified time. This usually happens when the remote desktop server is running out of resources or due to a hardware failure. Try reconnecting after verifying that the remote desktop server has enough resources.

Error Code 5

Connection Replaced - Remote desktop connection superseded by another connection.

Connection Replaced indicates that the remote connection you were trying to establish has been replaced or terminated on the server side. This means the server ended the connection unexpectedly.

Error Code 6

Out Of Memory - Session has insufficient memory to function properly

The remote desktop server couldn't allocate enough memory to complete an operation. This typically happens when your system doesn't have sufficient memory resources to handle the session.

Error Code 7

Connection Denied - Attempt to connect to the remote desktop server has been rejected

This error message indicates that the remote desktop connection you attempted was refused by the server. There are a couple of reasons why this might happen:

  • You entered incorrect credentials, such as username or password.
  • Firewall restrictions on either the client or server machine are blocking the connection.
  • There might be issues on the remote server itself that are preventing it from accepting connections.

Error Code 8

Connection Denied FIPS - Attempt to connect to the remote desktop server has been rejected due to FIPS mode being enabled on the client or server.

This error message indicates that the remote connection you were trying to establish was denied because FIPS mode is enabled on either the client or the server machine. FIPS stands for Federal Information Processing Standards, a set of security requirements that may restrict the use of certain encryption algorithms. Because of these restrictions, the client and server couldn't agree on a compatible encryption algorithm, resulting in the connection failure.

Error Code 9

User Privileges - Insufficient User Privileges

This error indicates that the user attempting to connect to the remote desktop session does not have the necessary permissions. It is recommended to verify the user's access rights or contact the system administrator for assistance.

Error Code 10

Fresh Credentials Required - Remote desktop connection attempt was unsuccessful due to outdated or incorrect credentials.

This error code indicates that the remote server you're trying to connect to requires new login credentials. The existing credentials you're using might be expired, invalid, or the server might have additional security measures in place that necessitate fresh authentication.

Error Code 11

Disconnect By User - Remote desktop session was disconnected by the user

Error code 11 indicates that the remote desktop session was disconnected by the user on the server side. This means the user at the remote computer actively ended the connection, rather than a technical issue causing the disconnect.

Error Code 16

Error code 16 indicates a problem with the license verification process. This could be due to a corrupt license file, licensing server issues, or a mismatch between the VaporOS version and the required license.

Error Code 17

No License Server - Couldn't connect to a license server required to verify your access rights.

This error indicates that the remote desktop client, cannot connect to a license server to verify your license. A license server is required for some editions of Windows Remote Desktop to control access and manage user licenses.

In simpler terms, your remote desktop client is unable to find or connect to the server that validates your permission to use the remote desktop software. This could be due to incorrect configuration, network issues, or a problem with the license server itself.

Error Code 18

Invalid License - License is missing or invalid.

This error indicates that the remote desktop client (freerdp) couldn't establish a connection due to missing or invalid licensing on the remote server.

Why it Happens:

  • The remote server might require a specific RDP license to accept incoming connections.
  • The client might be configured to use a specific license server that's unreachable or malfunctioning.

How to Fix It:

  • Verify Remote Server License: Check the remote server's RDP licensing configuration to ensure it has the necessary licenses to accept connections.
  • Check Client License Settings: Ensure the server is reachable and functioning correctly. You might need to adjust the client's license server settings if it's incorrect.

Error Code 19

Bad Client Message

This error indicates that the client application sending data to the RDP server sent a message that the server could not understand.

Why it Happens: There are several reasons why this error might occur:

  • Client-Server incompatibility: The client application and the RDP server might not be compatible versions.
  • Corrupted data: The data sent by the client might be corrupted during transmission.
  • Client bug: There might be a bug in the client application that causes it to send malformed messages.

How to Fix It:

  • Check Compatibility: Ensure you are using compatible versions of the client application and the RDP server.
  • Restart Connection: Try restarting the RDP connection. This can sometimes clear up temporary issues.
  • Update Client: Update the client application to the latest version. This might fix bugs that were causing the error.
  • Check Client Logs: Check the client application logs for more specific information about the error. This might help identify the root cause of the problem.

Error Code 20

HWID Mismatch

This error occurs when the RDP client detects a mismatch between the hardware ID (HWID) of your device and the one registered with the remote server.

Why it Happens:

  • Security Restrictions: The remote server might have security measures in place that restrict access based on authorized HWIDs.
  • Misconfiguration: An incorrect HWID might be associated with your user account on the server.

How to Fix It:

  • Contact the Server Administrator: They can verify the HWID restrictions and potentially add your device's HWID to the authorized list.
  • Check User Account Configuration: If you have access, verify the associated HWID on the server for your user account and ensure it matches your device's HWID.

Error Code 21

Bad Client

This error indicates a problem with the client software preventing it from connecting to the remote server.

Why it Happens: Several reasons can cause a "bad client" error:

  • Incorrect Configuration: Mismatched settings between client and server, like encryption or security level.
  • Outdated Client Version: Using an older VaporOS version incompatible with the server.

How to Fix It:

  1. Verify Configuration: Double-check your Vapor client settings match the remote server's requirements, especially security options.
  2. Update VaporOS: Ensure you're using the latest stable version of VaporOS to benefit from bug fixes and compatibility improvements.

Error Code 22

Unable to Complete Protocol

This error indicates an issue during the handshake process between your Deck and the remote server. The connection establishment fails due to a protocol incompatibility or configuration mismatch. Here's a breakdown of the causes and solutions for this error:

Why it Happens:

  • Protocol Version Mismatch: The client and remote server might be using incompatible RDP protocol versions.
  • Security Layer Discrepancy: Encryption settings between the client and server could be misconfigured.
  • Client/Server Configuration Issues: Specific client or server settings might be preventing a successful connection.

How to Fix It:

  • Verify Protocol Versions: Ensure both the Deck and remote server are configured to use the same RDP protocol version. You might need to update either the client or server to a compatible version.
  • Check Security Settings: Compare the encryption settings on the client and server. If necessary, adjust them to ensure they match.

Error Code 23

Client Ended Protocol

This error message indicates that the remote client has disconnected the session unexpectedly.

Why it Happens: Several reasons can cause the client to disconnect abruptly:

  • Network Issues: Unstable or interrupted internet connection between the client and the server can lead to this error.
  • Server-Side Issues: In rare cases, problems on the remote server like resource exhaustion or software bugs might cause the connection to drop.

How to Fix It: Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix this error:

  1. Check Network Connectivity: Verify a stable internet connection between the client and server. Try pinging the server from the client machine to confirm reachability.
  2. Restart The Deck: Reboot the deck and check if the error persists. This can often resolve temporary glitches.
  3. Update VaporOS: Ensure you're using the latest version of VaporOS. Outdated versions might have bugs that cause connection issues. Update to the newest version and try connecting again.
  4. Investigate Server Issues: If the problem persists, there might be an issue on the remote server. Check server logs for any errors related to RDP connections. You might need to contact the server administrator for further assistance.
  5. Check Client-Side Firewall: Make sure firewalls on both the client and server machines are not blocking RDP connections. Configure firewalls to allow RDP traffic on the designated port (usually port 3389).

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the cause of the error and establish a stable connection.

Error Code 24

Bad Client Encryption

This error indicates a mismatch between the encryption methods preferred by the client and the server. Why it Happens:

  • Incompatible Encryption Levels: The client might be configured to use a higher encryption level than what the server supports.
  • Missing Encryption Libraries: The client might lack the necessary libraries to handle the server's preferred encryption method.
  • Server Misconfiguration: In rare cases, the server itself might be misconfigured to reject valid encryption attempts.

How to Fix It:

  1. Check Client Configuration: Review your Vapor Manager settings and ensure the encryption level matches the server's capabilities. You might find options labeled "Security Layer" or "Encryption Level".
  2. Consult Server Admins: If you suspect server misconfiguration, contact the server's administrators for assistance. They might need to adjust server-side settings to allow the encryption method your client prefers.

Error Code 25

License Upgrade Failure

This error occurs when Deck encounters an issue while upgrading the license during a connection. Why it Happens: There are several reasons why this error might appear:

  • Invalid License: The license file you're using might be corrupt or invalid.
  • License Mismatch: The license might not be compatible with the version of Operating System you're using.
  • Connection Issues: Firewall restrictions or connectivity problems might prevent license verification.

How to Fix It:

  1. Verify License: Double-check your license file for any errors or typos. Ensure it's the correct format.
  2. Address Connection Issues: If you suspect a connection problem, temporarily disable your firewall to see if it resolves the issue. Be sure to re-enable it afterward for security reasons.

Error Code 26

No Remote Connection

This error indicates that the client cannot establish a connection to the remote desktop server. Why it Happens: Several reasons can cause this error:

  • Firewall Restrictions: The firewall on the remote server might be blocking incoming connections.
  • Incorrect Settings: RDP settings on the client or server might be misconfigured (e.g., wrong port number).
  • Server Not Running: The Remote Desktop service might not be running on the target machine.

How to Fix It:

  1. Check Firewall: Verify that the firewall allows RDP connections on the remote server.
  2. Confirm Settings: Ensure RDP settings on both client and server are correct (port number, authentication).
  3. Start Remote Desktop Service: Make sure the Remote Desktop service is running on the remote machine.

Error Code 129

Insufficient Memory

This error indicates that the client encountered insufficient memory during program execution. This can happen due to several reasons:

  • Limited System Memory: The system might not have enough free memory.
  • High Resource Usage: The remote desktop session itself might be demanding a lot of memory resources.
  • Vapor Manager Configuration: Certain Vapor Manager settings, like color depth or buffer size, can influence memory usage. Here's how to fix the error:
  • Close Unused Applications: Free up system memory by closing any unnecessary applications running in the background.
  • Adjust Vapor and Deck Settings: If possible, try lowering resource-intensive settings within Vapor Manager deck, such as color depth or resolution.
  • Increase System Memory (if possible): If you have the option, consider adding more RAM to your system.

Error Code 130

Exit Protocol

This error indicates an unexpected termination of the remote desktop connection due to issues with the exit protocol.

Why it Happens:

Several reasons can cause this error:

  • Network Issues: Unstable or interrupted network connectivity can disrupt the communication between your device and the remote server.
  • Client/Server Incompatibility: Mismatched versions or incompatible configurations between the client and the remote desktop server can lead to protocol errors.
  • Server Shutdown: If the remote server unexpectedly shuts down while the connection is active, it can trigger this error.
  • Client Configuration: Incorrect settings within the client might cause problems with the exit protocol.

How to Fix It:

  1. Check Network Connectivity: Verify a stable internet connection between your device and the remote server. Try restarting your network devices like routers or modems.
  2. Reconnect to Server: Attempt to re-establish the remote desktop connection.
  3. Review Client Configuration: Double-check your client settings for any errors. Consult the Vapor documentation for specific configuration guidance.
  4. Check Server Logs: If possible, access the remote server's event logs to identify any potential issues that might have caused the shutdown.

Error Code 131

Connection Failed

Error code 131 indicates a general connection failure to the remote desktop server. This can happen for several reasons:

Why it Happens:

  • Network Issues: Network problems like firewalls blocking connections, incorrect IP addresses, or unstable connections can cause this error.
  • Server Issues: The remote server might be down, overloaded, or experiencing configuration issues preventing RDP connections.
  • Client Configuration: Incorrect settings such as wrong server address, username, password, or security options, can lead to connection failures.

How to Fix It:

  1. Check Network Connectivity: Verify your network connection is working and firewalls allow RDP traffic.
  2. Confirm Server Status: Ensure the remote server is reachable and operational.
  3. Review Vapor Settings: Double-check the server address, username, password, and security options match the remote desktop configuration.

Error Code 132

Authentication Failure

Error code 132 indicates that the remote desktop connection couldn't be established because the username and password combination you provided is incorrect.

Why this happens:

  • Incorrect Username or Password: This is the most common reason. Double-check the credentials you're entering, ensuring caps lock is off and remembering if the remote system requires a different username than your local machine.
  • Account Lockout: Entering incorrect credentials repeatedly might trigger a temporary account lockout on the remote system.

How to fix it:

  • Verify Credentials: Double-check your username and password for typos. Consider if the remote system uses a different username than your local machine.
  • Account Lockout Wait: If you think the account might be locked out, wait some time (as defined by the remote system's policy) before trying again.
  • Consult Remote System Admin: If none of the above solutions work, contact the administrator of the remote system for further assistance. They might be able to reset your password or provide additional troubleshooting steps.

Error Code 133

Negotiation Failure

This error indicates that Vapor client, couldn't establish a connection with the remote server due to a disagreement on security settings or protocols.

Why it Happens:

  • Mismatched Security Settings: The client and server might require different encryption levels or authentication methods that they can't agree on.
  • Server Configuration: Specific server settings might restrict connections or require additional security measures not supported by the client.

How to Fix It:

  • Verify Compatibility: Ensure both client and server are running compatible versions of Vapor OS and RDP.
  • Adjust Security Settings: Try adjusting security options on both the client and server to find a common ground. Vapor Client uses NLA by default so make sure it is enabled on the server.
  • Check Server Configuration: Look for any specific security requirements on the server side that might be causing the conflict.

Error Code 134

Logon Failure

Error code 134 indicates a failed login attempt to the remote server. This can happen for several reasons:

Why it Happens:

  • Incorrect Credentials: Username, password, or domain might be wrong.
  • Remote Server Issues: The remote server could be down, experiencing network problems, or have security restrictions in place.
  • Vapor Configuration: Vapor client settings might be incorrect, like using an incompatible security layer.

How to Fix It:

  1. Verify Credentials: Double-check your username, password, and domain (if applicable).
  2. Check Remote Server: Ensure the remote server is reachable and functioning normally.
  3. Review Vapor Client Settings: Verify your Vapor client configuration matches the remote server's requirements, including security type and encryption.

Error Code 135

Account Locked Out

This error message indicates that the remote account you're trying to access with the Deck has been locked due to too many failed login attempts.

Why this happens

There are two main reasons why you might encounter this error:

  • Mistyping username or password: This is a common cause. Double-checking your credentials is always a good first step.
  • Brute-force attack: Malicious actors might be trying to guess your login information by trying different combinations of usernames and passwords.

How to fix it

Here are three things you can try to fix this error:

  1. Verify Credentials:
    • Make sure you're entering the correct username and password for the remote account.
    • If you're unsure about the credentials, contact the remote system administrator for assistance.
  2. Wait and Retry:
    • In most cases, locked accounts are automatically unlocked after a certain period of time (e.g., 15 minutes).
    • Wait for the lockout timer to expire and then try connecting again.
  3. Contact Administrator:
    • If the account remains locked after a reasonable wait time, or if you suspect unauthorized access attempts, contact the remote system administrator.
    • They can investigate the issue and unlock the account if necessary.

Error Code 136

Pre-connection Failed

This error indicates that the Deck couldn't establish a connection to the remote server before even attempting the actual RDP handshake.

Why it Happens

There are several reasons why this error might occur:

  • Network Issues: Firewall restrictions, incorrect server address, or network connectivity problems can prevent the initial connection.
  • Incorrect Credentials: Make sure you're using the correct username, password, and domain (if applicable) for the remote server.
  • Vapor Configuration: Double-check your Vapor client configuration to ensure it matches the remote server's settings.

How to Fix It

  1. Verify Network Connectivity: Ensure your computer has a stable internet connection and can reach the remote server's network.
  2. Check Firewall Settings: Make sure firewalls on both the client and server allow RDP connections.
  3. Confirm Credentials: Verify you're using the correct login credentials for the remote server.
  4. Review Vapor Client Configuration: Ensure your Vapor client settings like port number and security layer match the remote server's requirements.

Error Code 137

Connection Undefined

This error indicates that the deck cannot establish a connection to the remote server.

Why it Happens:

There are several reasons why this error might occur:

  • Network connectivity issues: Verify that your device has a stable internet connection and can reach the remote server's network.
  • Firewall restrictions: Check if firewalls on either the client or server side are blocking the RDP connection.
  • Server configuration problems: The remote server might not be configured to accept RDP connections.

How to Fix It:

  1. Double-check Credentials and Server Details: Ensure all login information, hostname/IP, and port number are accurate.
  2. Verify Network Connectivity: Make sure your device has a stable connection and can ping the remote server's IP address.
  3. Adjust Firewall Settings: Configure firewalls on both sides to allow RDP traffic (typically port 3389).
  4. Check Server Configuration: Ensure the remote server is set up to accept RDP connections. Consult the server's documentation for specific instructions.

Error Code 138

Post Connection Failed

This error indicates that the Deck was unable to establish a connection to the remote server after the initial handshake.

Why it Happens:

Several reasons can cause this error:

  • Network Issues: Firewall restrictions, incorrect server address, or network connectivity problems can prevent deck from reaching the server.
  • Security Mismatch: Incompatible security settings between vapor and the remote server can lead to negotiation failure.
  • Server Configuration: Issues on the remote server itself, like disabled RDP services or permission problems, can block the connection.

How to Fix It:

  • Verify Network Connectivity: Ensure your device has a stable internet connection and can reach the server's IP address. Check firewall rules for RDP and Vapor traffic.
  • Confirm Server Details: Double-check the server address.
  • Check Remote Server: Make sure the RDP service is enabled on the remote server, and your user account has the necessary permissions to connect.

Error Code 139

DNS Error

This error indicates an issue resolving the remote server's hostname using the Domain Name System (DNS).

Why it Happens:

There are several reasons why this error might occur:

  • Incorrect Hostname: You might have mistyped the server's hostname when setting up the remote connection.
  • DNS Server Issues: The DNS server you're using might be unavailable or malfunctioning.
  • Network Connectivity Problems: Your computer might not have a stable internet connection, preventing it from communicating with the DNS server.

How to Fix It:

  • Verify Hostname: Double-check that you've entered the correct server hostname.
  • Try a Different DNS Server: Try to use a different, reliable DNS server.
  • Check Network Connectivity: Ensure your computer has a stable internet connection.
  • Adjust Firewall Settings: If necessary, configure your firewall to allow Vapor to access the DNS server.

Error Code 140

DNS Name Not Found

This error indicates Vapor couldn't translate the remote server's hostname into an IP address because the Domain Name System (DNS) lookup failed.

Why it Happens:

  • There might be a typo in the hostname you provided.
  • The DNS server you're using is unavailable or misconfigured.
  • The remote server's hostname doesn't exist or isn't properly registered with DNS.

How to Fix It:

  • Double-check the hostname for typos.
  • Try using the server's IP address instead of the hostname (if known).
  • Verify your DNS settings are correct. You might need to change your DNS server or flush your DNS cache.
  • If the issue persists, contact your network administrator or the remote server's administrator for further assistance.

Error Code 141

Connection Failed

Error code 141 indicates a general connection failure. This can happen for several reasons:

Why it Happens:

  • Incorrect Credentials: Username, password, or security settings might be wrong.
  • Network Issues: Firewalls, blocked ports, or unstable connections can prevent communication.
  • Server Issues: The remote server might be down, overloaded, or have misconfigured RDP settings.

How to Fix It:

  • Verify Credentials: Double-check your username, password, and security level (e.g., NLA).
  • Check Network Connectivity: Ensure firewalls allow RDP and Vapor traffic and that the network is stable. You can try pinging the server to test basic connectivity.
  • Confirm Server Status: Make sure the remote server is operational and configured for RDP access.
  • Review Vapor Settings: Ensure your Vapor client settings match the remote server's configuration (e.g., color depth, resolution).

Error Code 143

TLS Connect Failed

This error occurs when Vapor client is unable to establish a secure connection with the remote server using Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Why it Happens:

There are several reasons why this error might occur:

  • Server Certificate Issues: The remote server might have an invalid certificate, such as a self-signed certificate that Vapor doesn't trust.
  • Outdated TLS Version: The server might be using an outdated TLS version not supported by Vapor.
  • Cipher Suite Mismatch: The server and Vapor client might not agree on a common cipher suite to encrypt the connection.

How to Fix It:

  • Verify Server Certificate: Check the server's certificate validity and consider adding the certificate authority (CA) to your trusted list if necessary.
  • Update VaporOS: Ensure you're using the latest version of VaporOS, which might support newer TLS versions.
  • Check Vapor Configuration: Review Vapor configuration for options related to TLS certificate verification and cipher suites.

Additional Tips:

  • Consult the server administrator to ensure the server is configured for secure TLS connections.

Error Code 144

Insufficient Privileges

This error occurs when you try to connect to a remote machine but lack the necessary permissions to access it. Here's why you might see it and how to fix it:

Why it Happens:

  • You might be using a user account without remote desktop access privileges on the target machine.
  • The remote desktop service itself might be disabled on the machine.

How to Fix It:

  • Use an authorized account: Ensure you're connecting with a user account granted remote desktop access on the remote machine.
  • Enable Remote Desktop Service: If you have access to the remote machine, log in locally and enable the Remote Desktop Service.

Error Code 145

Connection Cancelled

This error indicates that the remote desktop connection attempt was terminated prematurely.

Why it Happens:

There are several reasons why this might happen:

  • Network Issues: Check your internet connection for stability. A weak or interrupted signal can cause the connection to drop.
  • Firewall Blocking: Firewalls might block the RDP client from connecting to the remote server. Configure firewall exceptions to allow RDP traffic.
  • Incorrect Credentials: Ensure you're using the correct username and password for the remote desktop.
  • Server Not Responding: The remote server might be unavailable or experiencing technical difficulties. Try connecting later.

How to Fix It:

  • Verify Network Connectivity: Run a network test to confirm a stable connection.
  • Check Firewall Settings: Configure firewalls on both the client and server to allow RDP communication.
  • Confirm Credentials: Double-check that you're entering the correct username and password.
  • Restart Remote Server: If the server is unresponsive, a restart might resolve the issue.
  • Check RDP Service: Ensure the Remote Desktop service is running on the remote server.

Error Code 147

Connection Transport Failed

This error indicates that Vapor couldn't establish a connection with the remote server due to a transport-level issue.

Why it Happens:

Several reasons can cause this error:

  • Network Issues: Firewall restrictions, unstable network connection, or unreachable server can disrupt communication.
  • Incorrect Configuration: Wrong server address, port number, or security settings in Vapor can lead to connection failure.
  • Server Issues: The remote server might be down, overloaded, or experiencing internal problems.

How to Fix It:

  • Verify Network Connectivity: Ensure your network is functioning properly and firewalls allow RDP connections.
  • Check Configuration: Double-check the server address and settings in Vapor Client match the remote server's requirements.
  • Restart Services: Restart the Deck and the remote desktop service on the server to clear temporary glitches.
  • Check Server Status: Confirm the remote server is operational and accessible.

Error Code 148

Password Expired

This error indicates you're trying to connect to a remote machine with a password that has expired.

Why it Happens:

Vapor attempts to authenticate with the remote machine using your provided credentials. If the password on the remote machine has expired, the authentication fails, resulting in error 148.

How to Fix It:

  • Change your password on the remote machine directly (if possible).
  • If direct access isn't available, contact the remote machine administrator to reset your password.
  • Make sure you're using the correct, non-expired password when connecting through Vapor.

Error Code 149

Password Must Be Changed

This error occurs when you try to connect to a remote server using Vapor, and the server requires you to change your password before allowing further access.

Why it Happens:

The server administrator might have enforced a policy where user passwords need to be changed periodically for security reasons. When you attempt to log in with an outdated password, the server throws this error to prompt you to update it.

How to Fix It:

  1. Change Password Directly: If possible, access the server through another method (web interface, local console) and change your password there.
  2. Use FreeRDP /prompt-credential Option: If direct access isn't available, try reconnecting to the server with FreeRDP using the /prompt-credential command-line option. This will prompt you to enter the old and new passwords within the FreeRDP client itself.

Additional Notes:

  • The specific steps to change your password on the server will depend on the server's operating system and configuration. Consult your server administrator for guidance if needed.
  • Make sure to choose a strong and unique password for improved security.

Error Code 151

Account Disabled

This error message indicates that the remote account you're trying to connect to with Vapor has been disabled. This could be due to a couple of reasons:

Why it Happens:

  • Administrative Actions: The administrator of the remote server might have disabled the account intentionally.
  • Security Policies: The account may have been disabled automatically due to security policies in place on the remote server.

How to Fix It:

  • Contact the Administrator: The first step is to contact the administrator of the remote server and ask them why the account is disabled.
  • Re-enable the Account: If the account was disabled accidentally, the administrator can re-enable it for you.
  • Use a Different Account: If the account is disabled for security reasons and cannot be re-enabled, you may need to use a different account with appropriate permissions to connect to the remote server.

Error Code 152

Password Certainly Expired

This error indicates that the password you're trying to use for remote access with Vapor has definitely expired.

Why it Happens:

Vapor attempts to connect securely and verifies your credentials with the remote server. If the password on the remote machine has expired, the authentication fails, resulting in error 152.

How to Fix It:

  1. Change your password on the remote server using a different method (e.g., directly logging in or through admin tools).
  2. Update your connection details with the new password.

Additional Tips:

  • Ensure you're using the correct username for the remote server.
  • Double-check for typos in the password you're entering on the Deck.

Error Code 153

Client Revoked

This error indicates that the remote server has disconnected the RDP session due to security reasons. It happens when the Deck is no longer authorized to connect to the server.

Why it Happens:

  • Authentication Issues: Incorrect credentials, expired certificates, or multi-factor authentication failure can cause the server to revoke access.
  • Client Policy Mismatch: Security policies on the client device might conflict with those on the server, leading to disconnection.
  • Server-Side Issues: In rare cases, server-side problems like overloaded resources or software bugs can trigger this error

How to Fix It:

  • Verify Credentials: Double-check your username, password, and any required certificates to ensure they are correct and valid.
  • Check Client Policies: Ensure your device's security settings comply with the server's RDP policies.
  • Restart Connection: Sometimes, a simple restart of the Deck or server can resolve temporary glitches.
  • Consult Server Administrator: If the issue persists, contact the server administrator for further assistance. They can check server logs for specific details and implement solutions on their end.

Error Code 154

Wrong Password

This error indicates that the password you entered for your remote desktop connection is incorrect.

Why it Happens:

  • Mistyped password: The most common reason is simply a typographical error when entering the password.
  • Incorrect Caps Lock/Num Lock: Ensure Caps Lock and Num Lock are set according to your password requirements.
  • Incorrect Keyboard Layout: If using a different keyboard layout, some special characters might not translate correctly.

How to Fix It:

  • Double-check your password for typos and ensure Caps Lock/Num Lock settings are correct.
  • Try typing your password in a different text box first to ensure accuracy.
  • If using a different keyboard layout, try switching it to match the remote system's layout.
  • If none of the above work, consult the remote desktop server's administrator for further assistance. They might have additional security measures requiring specific password formats.

Error Code 155

Access Denied

This error indicates that your attempt to connect to a remote server using Vapor was denied due to insufficient permissions.

Why it Happens:

There are several reasons why you might encounter this error:

  • Incorrect Credentials: You might have entered the wrong username, password, or domain name.
  • User Permissions: The user account you're trying to connect with might not have remote access permissions on the server.
  • Firewall Restrictions: The firewall on the server might be blocking the RDP connection.
  • Vapor Configuration: An incorrect configuration in Vapor could be causing the issue.

How to Fix It:

  • Verify Credentials: Double-check your username, password, and domain name for any typos.
  • Check User Permissions: Ensure the user account has remote access enabled on the server. Contact the server administrator if needed.
  • Adjust Firewall Rules: If necessary, temporarily disable the firewall on the server to test if it's blocking the connection. Remember to re-enable it afterward for security reasons.
  • Review Vapor Client Configuration: Make sure your Vapor settings are correct, especially the server address and connection protocol.

Error Code 156

Account Restriction

This error code indicates that your connection has been restricted by the remote server. This could be due to several reasons such as:

Why it Happens:

  • Incorrect username or password
  • Account lockout after too many failed login attempts
  • Two-factor authentication not being met
  • Remote server administrator restrictions

How to Fix It:

The solution depends on the reason for the restriction. Here are some steps you can try:

  • Verify your username and password are correct.
  • If you've been locked out, contact the remote server administrator to reset your account.
  • Ensure you have completed any two-factor authentication requirements.
  • If you suspect server restrictions, contact the remote server administrator for assistance.

Error Code 157

Account Expired

This error means the account you're trying to connect to has expired. Expired accounts are often locked or disabled, preventing you from logging in.

Why it Happens:

Accounts can expire due to various administrative policies or inactivity. System administrators may set accounts to expire after a certain period to enforce password changes or disable unused accounts.

How to Fix It:

  • Contact the System Administrator: This is the most common solution. The system administrator responsible for the account can verify its status and reset the password if needed.
  • Reset Password Yourself (if you have administrative privileges): If you have administrative access on the remote system, you might be able to reset the password yourself using built-in tools. However, this approach depends on the specific system configuration.

Error Code 158

Logon Type Not Granted

This error indicates that the remote server you're trying to connect to doesn't allow the type of login you're attempting.

Why it Happens:

There are two main reasons for this error: 2. Incorrect Login Credentials: You might be using the wrong credentials (username, password) or login method (e.g., password login might be disabled on the server). 4. Security Restrictions: The server's security policy might restrict the type of login you're trying to use. For example, some servers only allow smartcard authentication or specific security protocols.

How to Fix It:

  • Verify Credentials: Double-check your username, password, and login method. Ensure they match the server's requirements.
  • Consult Server Admin: The server administrator can tell you the allowed login methods and any specific requirements for connecting.

Error Code 159

No or Missing Credentials

This error indicates that the connection attempt failed due to missing or incorrect login credentials.

Why it Happens:

  • You might have mistyped your username or password.
  • The username or password might be case-sensitive and not entered correctly.
  • You could be using incorrect credentials for the specific remote desktop server.

How to Fix It:

  • Double-check your username and password for typos and ensure they match the remote server's requirements (case-sensitivity).
  • Verify if you're using the correct credentials for the remote desktop server you're trying to access.
  • If you're unsure about the credentials, consult the remote server administrator for assistance.

Error Code 255


Error code 255 indicates an unspecified error condition.

Why it Happens:

This generic error can occur due to various reasons:

  • Network Issues: Unstable network connection, firewall blocking communication, or remote server unreachable.
  • Incorrect Credentials: Username, password, or security settings might be wrong.
  • Server Configuration: The remote server may not be configured properly for RDP connections.
  • Software Incompatibility: Version mismatch between Vapor client and remote server.

How to Fix It:

  • Check Network Connectivity: Ensure a stable internet connection and verify if firewalls allow RDP traffic.
  • Verify Credentials: Double-check the username, password, and security settings used for the remote connection.
  • Consult Server Logs: Check the remote server's event logs for any RDP-related errors that might provide more specific clues.
  • Update Software: Ensure you're using the latest versions of FreeRDP client and the remote server software.
  • Search for Specific Error: If you have additional information about the context of the error, search online for troubleshooting steps specific to that scenario.